Thursday, January 21, 2010

I sell it to you, cheap

I have been giving sexy eyes to this jacket for months. I want it to feel lusted after as well as safe and secure in my presence, so that when I club it over the head and take it home with me, it doesn't see it coming. The problem is, its 128 dollars. Which is way too much money for my coin purse.
Just last week, one week ago exactly, I was at the DI with my sister Marianne. We went because we had some time to kill between Del Taco and going to watch Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice with my cousin Melissa. As we were riffling through the macabre, I started spouting off sonnets, for this jacket. Or rather telling Marianne, about this jacket and how much I wanted it, and how my life would be complete if I just had that damn jacket. I was describing its beauty. Saying "Its beautiful Grizz (Marianne is know by us as Marebear Grizzly bear, therefore we often call her Grizz, Mare, MareBear and sometimes Gummybear) its tweed and the sleeves are almost three quarter length and..." 
Mare holds up this amazing little tweed suit and says "Kinda like this!"
And I almost cry. Its a Grey tweed jacket and skirt suit. The jacket has the same length arms and even better a tiny puffed shoulder. It is beautiful and it fits and its only eight dollars! And then my heart grew ten sizes that day.
I wore the jacket the very next day with some jeans and it was fabu. Then today I am wearing the whole suit and it is fabu. Essentially my life is complete, now that I have this jacket.

1 comment:

Alyson said...

You must always take MareBear shopping with you, if she fulfills your very wish for a mere $8. I must take her shopping with me.