We had a small dinner party at our apartment last night.
I invited one of my best friends from high school, Erika and her boyfriend Aj, over for dinner.
I found out he was vegan, and not only that, a raw vegan. I searched the web looking for anything raw, but nothing had pictures.
Its probably just the amateur cook in me, but I really rely on pictures in cook books to give me inspiration.
Luckily before I had a full blown melt down, she said he was expanding his eating, and it just needed to be vegan (a huge sigh of relief on my end.)
{Aj and Erika before the feast began}
After much deliberation we decided to cook Green Pizza, via msn.delish.
We had been itching to try this recipe for some time and we decided that without the mozzarella, it was vegan.
Your preferred pizza dough. {I used the easy-peasy bread stick dough, because its vegan. It worked swimmingly.}
2 cups of chopped broccoli. {we used chopped frozen.}
2 TBS olive oil
5 ounces (about 6 cups) arugula. {Spinach and arugula look almost identical. However arugula is a slightly more spicy leaf.}
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
1/2 cup prepared pesto. {we used Organic Sweet Basil Pesto from Whole Foods, because its Vegan.}
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese. {We used rice cheese. It was amazing, soy cheese is less than delightful sometimes, but the rice cheese was great. Also from WF.}
{You dont always have to go to Whole Foods to get Vegan friendly things, Albertsons has a wide and friendly selection, as do other various stores.}
{Green Pizza, pita chips, Liz with a knife}
Liz picked up some Pita Chips and Hummas from Target, so yummy, and so vegan.
*preheat oven to 450°F*
Spread pizza dough onto a pizza pan (or inside a casserole dish in our case) and bake for 8- 10 minutes, until slightly golden.
While dough is cooking, add broccoli and oil to a sauce pan and cook until soft, slowly adding the arugula leaves. When the mixture is fragrant and moist add salt and pepper.
While the broccoli and argugla are cooking, similtaneously prepare your pesto.
When the crust is ready, pull it from the oven, slather with pesto (this is your pizza sauce) dress it with your green mixture of vegetables, and top it off with cheese!
Cook 8 - 10 minutes, until cheese is golden bubbly!
{Liz getting ancy to sink the knife into the pizza}
We had Vegan chocolate cake for dessert. But now I cant find the recipe. I suck.
-Love, Lucy
You know someone who could have given you a couple of raw vegan recipes that are quick to prepare, you know...
Looks delish!
I seriously suck. i thought about asking you, but I was like, she has better things to do, than to help the likes of me.
I really, like really really, need your pesto recipe.
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