Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Easy-Peasy Bread Sticks

Here is the breadstick recipe I promised you. It’s almost identical to my sister-in-laws, only its not. It’s a modification of a breadstick recipe, from my mom’s favorite cook book. Enjoy these and love the fact that they are vegan, if you are vegan, and even if you aren’t. The great thins is, they don’t require too stuffy of ingredients.

 (We watched Little Women not too long ago and I loved that the bread they gave The Hummels was circular, so we made them in that fashion!)

Easy-Peasy Bread Sticks
Modified from Managing your Meals by Winnifred c. Jardine

  •  1 TBS active dry yeast

  • 1TBS of honey or sugar

  • 1 TBS Oil

  • 1 ½ Cups warm water (115 degrees) just so you know if the water is too hot, it will kill the yeast.

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 3-4 Cups all-purpose flour , you still want your dough to be pretty gooey, but not too gooey


1) In a large mixing bowl, or a mixer, soften yeast and sugar (or honey) in warm water. Let stand for around 5 minutes.

 2) Stir in oil and salt.

 3) Gradually add flour, mixing and scraping the sides.

 4) Let mix/knead in for a few minutes.

 5) Depending how fluffy you want your bread to be you can let stand for around 20 minutes, punch down, and stand for another 20 minutes. Or you don’t even have to.

The braided one has been punched down, and the donut one has not. Can you tell the difference; they are just a little different in puffiness.

Brush with a beaten egg to make extra glossy, to impress all of your neighbors or guests.

*Bake at 400 degrees *
15 minutes or until golden-delicious!
-Love, Lucy

1 comment:

Alyson said...

Vegan until the beaten egg. Looks majorly yummy! And it was as tasty as it looks?