Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Library stop

I had some great things patiently waiting for me on hold at the library, so I picked them up yesterday!
I got some amazing music!

I had a whole slew of Martha Stewart books waiting for me.
After the second one, the girl who was checking me out was so sweet and said, "You know, I like her."
Which got me started on how much I love her, and how I am proud of her for going to jail, because she DID know better, cause she worked on Wall Street.
and the girl was all, "Yeah, she did the crime, and paid the time!"
By the time I was out of there the girl next to us was excited about Martha too!
I quickly perused them in bed last nigh and I was a goner.
I already want to buy them all.

This one has a smorgasbord of things you should know, maybe do, but probably don't.

This would be such a great gift for the young or novice bakestress.

Martha gives a little intro into everything from marbling to silk screening to making boxes!

{and here}
This really needs no explanation; right?

{all images from

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