Yay for me, I did a bunch of sewing last night! Not only that but I took pictures, which turned out to be a big deal. I had not batteries for my camera, so I went around my house pulling the batteries out of my remote controls, then it still didn't work because my camera program isn't on my new computer and I can't find the program CD and all I managed to do was kill all the batteries in my house and I just ended up having to go get some at the store in the end. BLAH. Anyhooodle, to the point Batman!
It was an all night sewing fest and here is a list of things needed.
1-Sewing room or sewing space. This is mine and she looks nice and clean because I cleaned it before taking pics so you wouldn't know how big of a slob I really am!
2- Sewing supplies. This is a skirt I hemmed last night and some of the fabric I was working with. As well as my measuring tape and marking pencil, both very important.
3- Batman socks, they help me get my game face on, which looks like this
4- Game Face=Ready to Rock the Sewing!!!
5- Here I am working on a dress. I am making the pattern myself. Which it means I am essentially adding many unnecessary hours to my project. I will end up measuring and remeasuring a million times. As well as sewing and re sewing. BLAH. But hopefully in the end it will look something like this
6- Actual progress was made. This is just about what it will look like when finished. It is mostly held together here by pins and such but it will be really nice and less like a nightgown, when finished.
Closer look at bodice
I also added some black to the hem of this skirt last night
I know this picture makes little sense. That is because I am wearing it today so those yellow things at the top are actually my knees. I am sitting and this is my lap from the top. But you can see the the black I added all the same!
xoxo Liz
I heart the game face. Why oh why can't I be a domestic goddess like you? You're making up the pattern? Heaven help how cool you are.
I heart your game face too! I heart all your faces, in fact!
I love that got some sewing in, we really should set aside one night a week to sew; or at least one night a month.
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